Lead With Jesus


It’s now been over five years since we sold our house, sold or gave away almost everything we owned, and moved to Bulgaria. While I didn’t really know what we were in for, I can tell you that I never imagined everything that’s happened during that time. New friends, many new ministry opportunities, learning a new language, opening the BigHouse, learning so much about this country and culture – it’s been incredible! Of course, there have been some bumps in the road, too – dealing with major health issues, learning a lot about the Bulgarian healthcare system, learning about visas, pandemics, quarantines… Needless to say, good and bad, it’s been hectic. Let’s face it – the world is a mess, and it’s easy to get caught up in conversations and issues that, even when wholesome and maybe even necessary, keep us distracted from the main thing. Things that, while maybe small can add up to do a lot of damage. “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards,” said Solomon. I have allowed the little foxes to sneak in and be a major nuisance. While I’ve never lost sight of the goal, I admit I’ve gotten distracted. I’ve missed opportunities to be the light, conversations to point people toward Jesus. So, I’m making a resolution (hey, if people can have Christmas in July, I can have resolutions in August):


Jesus isn’t just the goal. He’s not just the end of the race. He’s also the middle, and importantly, the beginning. The beginning of every conversation, every meeting, every email, text, comment, post, project, job, trip to the store…everything. I challenge you today, in everything you do, LEAD WITH JESUS.

“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
1 Corinthians 2:2

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